5 Unexpected Ways to Get Ready for College

College students studying togetherCollege students studying together
Preparing for college-bound students involves more than just academic readiness. To get ready for college, students should be equipped with all of the study skills and executive functions necessary to navigate this new chapter successfully. Beyond the traditional advice, here are several unexpected ways to help students become college-ready.

Know How to Study

One of the most important parts of college readiness is learning and maintaining good study habits. Many high school graduates are surprised by the increased academic demands of college. Learning to study efficiently can help make the increase in work a breeze.

Tips for Enhancing Study Skills:

  1. Time Management: New college students should create a study schedule that blocks out specific study times for each class. Planning study sessions in advance help prevent last-minute cramming and reduce stress.
  2. Active Learning: Active studying techniques such as summarizing information, creating flashcards, and teaching the material to someone else are great ways to study. Active engagement with the content improves retention and understanding.
  3. Utilize Resources: Students should take advantage of study groups, tutoring centers, and online resources. Many colleges offer workshops on study tips for college students, which can be incredibly beneficial. Take advantage of all of the great resources universities provide.

Transitioning from a high school to a college study routine is a big step. By developing these skills early on, students can be better prepared to tackle their coursework and succeed in college.

Know How to Use Email

Email is an important means of communication in college. College professors, advisors, and campus organizations often use email to convey important information. Get in the habit of using email correctly.

Email Best Practices:

  1. Professionalism: Learn to use a professional tone in emails. This includes using appropriate greetings, clear and concise language, and proper grammar.
  2. Prompt Responses: Check email regularly and respond promptly. Timely communication can impact academic performance and opportunities.
  3. Organizational Skills: Setting up folders and labels within an email account to keep track of important messages is a great organizational tool. Staying organized can prevent missing critical deadlines and information.

By mastering email, college-bound students will be well-prepared to communicate well with faculty and peers, enhancing their college transition.

Know the Available On-Campus Resources

Colleges offer a lot of resources designed to help students succeed. From academic support to mental health services, knowing what is available can make a significant difference.

Key Campus Resources:

  1. Academic Advising: Students should meet with their academic advisor regularly. Advisors can help with course selection, career advice, and navigating college policies. Maintaining a good and consistent relationship with them is a great way to have a knowledgeable partner in your college career.
  2. Counseling Services: Mental health is as important as academic success and can be challenged by the transition to college. Most colleges have counseling centers that offer free or low-cost services. If the transition to college becomes overwhelming, or any other problem arises, they are there to help.
  3. Library Services: Students should be familiar with the campus library. Libraries often provide more than just books; they offer additional resources such as workshops, research assistance, and quiet study areas.

Colleges want their students to succeed and offer resources to help overcome obstacles. Become familiar with them and don’t be afraid to use them.

Know How to Give Screen Time a Break

In today’s digital age, it’s easy for students to become overwhelmed by screen time. While technology is an increasingly important part of college life, it’s important to find a balance.

Strategies to Reduce Screen Time:

  1. Scheduled Breaks: Take regular breaks from screens. Techniques like the Pomodoro method (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break) can be effective.
  2. Outdoor Activities: Participate in outdoor activities and campus events. Physical exercise and social interaction are vital for overall well-being. Being involved in the on-campus community is also such an important part of the college experience.
  3. Mindfulness Practices: Mindfulness or meditation practices can help manage stress and reduce the need for constant digital engagement. Personal time in a quiet space can make a world of difference.

By understanding how to manage screen time, college freshmen can maintain a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, contributing to their overall success.

Know the Importance of Healthy Habits

Healthy habits are foundational for success in college. From nutrition to sleep, these habits significantly impact academic performance and personal well-being.

Essential Healthy Habits:

  1. Balanced Diet: New college students should be aware of the importance of a balanced diet. Making healthy food choices is possible even when dining in the cafeteria.
  2. Regular Exercise: Physical activity is great for reducing stress and boosting mood. Participating in campus fitness programs or sports is a great way to exercise and make friends.
  3. Adequate Sleep: Remember the importance of getting enough sleep. Poor sleep can negatively affect concentration, memory, and overall health.

By fostering these healthy habits, college-bound students will be better able to handle the new world of college life and achieve their full potential.

Get your college-bound student ready to excel the moment they step on campus with our college programs

Crash Course in College Study Skills

Taught privately, this workshop will equip students with effective strategies for studying smarter, not harder, with science-based schools to ensure academic success and confidence throughout their college journey.

Success in College

Weekly personalized support in executive functions, time management, organization, and study skills, to provide consistency, structure, and accountability throughout their college term.

Call or email us to learn more!

5 Unexpected Ways to Get Ready for College