Private study skills tutoring

By Noah Pederson, 12th Grade

Did you know that NCAA March Madness players are not only star athletes, but they are also students? Yes, it’s true. NCAA basketball players apply all the same skills on the courts as students apply behind desks.

NCAA pros work hard to learn something new every day, whether it’s to beat a certain team or just to get better. So, what tools do they use that are the same as everyday students?

Here are our Final Four most useful tips used by both NCAA athletes and everyday students. NCAA athletes know that every point counts. Here is what you can do to earn them.


Study groups are used by NCAA athletes all the time. To prepare for a game, the pros practice with their teammates, have meetings, and even organize timeouts to talk about the other team’s style of play. If the other team is running an unfamiliar zone defense, chances are, they are going to practice and work hard to figure out a way to beat that zone.  If students are given a test or quiz soon after they learn new material that they do not understand, they are going to need to work together to learn the material so they can get a good grade on that test or quiz.

Listen to coaches.

NCAA athletes are all very, very hard workers and they won’t let anything prevent them from reaching their goals. What makes these athletes able to achieve their goals so easily? NCAA athletes, just like students, pay attention to their coaches just like successful students pay attention to their teachers. They ask questions when they need to so they can understand the material or plays better, to make sure they do not mess up. They make mistakes as we all do. To avoid making the same mistake twice, they self-advocate for themselves and seek out their coaches for pointers and suggestions, just like good students.

Go into every game prepared.

The point of practicing is not to hang out with your buddies and shoot hoops. Nor is studying about using social media in your room while telling your mom that you are “studying”. Athletes and students realize that focus, concentration, and hard work can result in winning games, and getting good grades.

Every point counts.

What is the difference between winning or losing the Championship? One point! Every point scored in a game is vital to the final outcome. Students can easily see the parallel: every point counts on a test or quiz. One point can make a big difference between a B+ and an A- or an A.

After a student receives back a graded assignment of some sort, they should pay attention to the teacher’s comments, as the teacher will likely go over the results to show the class the correct answers to the questions or problems. And here’s a possibility too: Occasionally, the teacher will make a grading error. This little mistake can sometimes mean a changed grade from a C to a B, or even from a B to an A. That’s a point worth scoring!


It’s amazing but true. The same skills needed to be an NCAA basketball player, are the same skills and strategies needed to be a successful student. Studying in teams, or small groups can make the process a lot more fun and memorable. When you pay attention to the coach or teacher, you will know what to do, and how to do it.

Any athlete knows that it would be foolish to go into a game unprepared, exactly as do successful students. Successful students prepare thoroughly for their assignments and tests. Finally, know that every point counts so make a case for those lost after you get back a quiz or test if you think you have a real argument.

Learn more about our private study skills tutoring services for elementary, middle school, high school, and college students. Or consider one of our summer study skills workshops.

How to Study in School: A Guide for March Madness Fans