We’re nearing the end of the first quarter, and the much-anticipated Q1 progress report has landed in your mailbox. As you scan through it, your heart sinks. The grades aren’t what you expected or hoped for. You might feel a
6 Signs Your ADHD Teen May Need Help In English Class
Have you noticed consistently low grades or concerning feedback on your child’s English assignments? Is your child struggling with writing essays or reading analysis in English class? It’s not uncommon for middle and high school students to struggle with English
7 Tips to Boost Your Child’s Grades and GPA Before Year-End
Are you seeing end-of-year school flyers mixed in with summer program options for your kids? It’s enough to make you think school is just about over. While the end of the academic year is definitely in sight, there’s still plenty
Why Your Child’s Grades Swing From As to Cs
While you might be tempted to fall into a spiral of concern, understanding why this is happening, and learning strategies to support your student, can make a huge difference. Let’s understand the complexities behind your child’s test grades and explore